Hyde Park Dentistry likes to get ahead of dental problems. With a little bit of consistent care, problems are avoided. Treatment is rendered unnecessary. However, when issues do arise, Drs. Ashish Papneja and Marjan Moaveni provide the highest quality care on-site to resolve pain and other symptoms at the source. In doing so, we treat the underlying cause of an aching and otherwise problematic tooth and support its sustained health, comfort, and beauty. Your dentists in London, Ontario, have helped individuals of all ages maintain their healthy, complete smiles with the likes of endodontic care — and without the endodontist (specialist) price tag!
Endodontics may sound like a mouthful; however, it simply refers to a branch of dentistry focused on diagnosing and treating damage and conditions affecting the innermost tooth structure. The term is derived from the Greek words for “inside” (“endo”) and “tooth” (“odon”). Several procedures fall under the “endodontic” category, with root canal therapy being the most common and well-known.
“Root canal” is shorthand for root canal treatment. But, this nickname actually refers to the part of the tooth that is treated with this nonsurgical procedure. The root canals surround a soft gel-like pulp that contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. When the pulp is damaged by harmful bacteria, either due to progressive tooth decay or trauma (such as fractures), it may become inflamed or infected. Due to the presence of nerves, patients with such infections or inflammation often experience intense and persistent pain. This endodontic treatment removes and cleans out the root canals to get rid of the source of the pain (the nerves). With the infection gone, no further treatment may be necessary. Your tooth is preserved. Extraction and the need for tooth replacement are avoided.
Root canal treatment has an undeserved negative reputation. The reality is this common procedure with a high success rate (exceeding 95%) provides instant relief by removing the cause of your pain. Our team at Hyde Park Dentistry uses modern techniques and technologies to ensure your treatment is gentle yet effective. You won’t feel anything except pain relief as we precisely anesthetize the troublesome tooth and go to work to remove the infection. As needed, Drs. Papneja and Moaveni can discuss safe sedation methods to help you stay relaxed at every step in the treatment process.
Many oral problems that ultimately lead to damage that requires restorative treatment (like root canal therapy) do not go away on their own. They require prompt and appropriate dental care. Additionally, oral infections do not “stay put.” They can spread to other parts of the body. Avoid the potentially serious whole-health consequences by contacting us today.
We will take a peek inside your mouth and work with you to get you back on the road to a healthier, happier, and pain-free smile. Simply give our team in London, ON, a call today at 226-271-2522.