Even with proper care of the smile, some patients are still susceptible to developing cavities or tooth decay. The best treatment for this is a dental filling, a cost-effective solution for repairing the tooth’s structure after damage and keeping the cavity from becoming larger and deeper. Drs. Ashish Papneja and Marjan Moaveni of Hyde Park Dentistry, London, Ontario, can assist patients by providing white, tooth-coloured cavity fillings made of composite resin.
Our team may encourage patients to consider the benefits of tooth-coloured dental fillings for many reasons. Many dentists in the area still use silver amalgam, a material known for its disadvantages, not its advantages. This material is often dark and noticeable in the smile, and it is comprised of about 50% mercury–a toxic substance to our human bodies. Additionally, these fillings are known to expand and contract with temperature changes, which means that a hot cup of coffee could cause your filling to expand and leave areas for bacteria to enter the tooth. Mercury from these fillings can cause mercury toxicity, which often presents as neurological symptoms.
With white cavity fillings made from composite resin, patients can avoid these issues and address tooth decay with an aesthetic and safe solution. Composite resin fillings are solid restorations that will not leave the tooth susceptible to further damage and look just like natural tooth enamel for seamless integration.
Your dental appointment for the treatment of a cavity with a white resin filling is fast and convenient! Your dentist removes the area of decay and places the filling where needed. The filling material is soft but then cured and hardened with a light. The tooth is polished to complete the process, typically within 30 minutes for most patients.
Drs. Ashish Papneja and Marjan Moaveni of Hyde Park Dentistry in London, Ontario, welcome new patients and families into the office for quality, restorative dentistry solutions.
If you have a cavity and are considering composite resin fillings, call 226-271-2522 to request an appointment at our office, conveniently located at 994 Gainsborough Road, Unit A.